понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

daring nude

I�do not know what is happening..Seriously, so Marrianne and Myself were outside chillin, adn then suddenly, everywhere around us lit up, With color of blue and other light of green, not like a flash of lights, and no it was not lightning, and how the light was and whrer it was comming from, it wasnt liek a transformer, then we heard there weird gun shot when it happened.. Then all the street lights turned off one bye one.. Then suddenly there was rapid flashes on the lights, like strobe lights.then stops and they were off. Car alarms and bulidinng alarms were going off.



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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

apacolypse now quotes

It looks like Matt isnapos;t going to get the morning shift after all. Which means we still need daycare for the boys. But we have decided to forgo the idea of another roommate or a live-in day care. Itapos;s going to take a lot of budget tightening, but work has picked up for Matt, and Iapos;m going to be working Fridays as of next week. My income alone from those extra hours will be around 200-250 a month. Not a lot, but it will help to offset some of our daycare expenses. Mattapos;s parents will be home by the end of the month, and weapos;re hoping that they will go back to doing some of our daycare for us. Before they left, they watched the kids two days a week free of charge. Iapos;m hoping we can go back to that. That will leave us with only having about $65 a week in daycare expense.

Weapos;re reaching the point of being almost caught up with our bills. As of right now, we only have two more late bills to pay for the month, and one bill that we should be able to pay on time. Once those bills are paid, weapos;ll be out of the late payment crisis, and should be able to save a few dollars in fees. I think that is the hardest part about falling behind. You donapos;t have the money to pay it on time, so you have to pay more. And the next month your bills are that much farther behind. Itapos;s a vicious cycle. Iapos;ve started a checklist for myself on the computer, where I put in bills as we get them, with their due date listed. Each week when I get Mattapos;s check, I pay whatever bills we can afford that week, in order of their due date. I think this will help me to get back on track. It will also help us to see where our money is going, and if there are any utilities we can cut back on.

My goal right now, is to make it through until February. Once our tax return comes through, weapos;ll be able to pay off some more of our other back debt, and possibly afford to move if we need to downsize. Iapos;d rather not move if we have to, but thatapos;s another option for lowering our bills. I need to just buckle down, be a grown up, and eliminate the useless junk we buy. Perhaps a sit down and teaching session with Nic is in order.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

enterprise.com sentinal

Okay, I will preface this by admitting that I am a geek

I bought a Ruger LCP yesterday.� I got home form the range/work and was unloading all my computers. Etc. (Homeoffice)� I looked at the pile of padded cases for phones, Ipods etc and for no real reason picked up the Ipod case I bought at Gap for my old Ipod.� I slipped the LCP in it and closed the lid, buckled the side release to hold it in� and realized that I have the perfect discreet carry belt holster for the Ruger.� as a bonus it actually has an HK style snap clip on it to attach it to other gear.� and yes, it is jsut as "jumpable" as my Eagle tactical holster for my 1911

(See the user pic)

bes engine head tiger, enterprise.com sentinal, enterprise.com sentinel.

fasb financial accounting

I went to the loki music fest this past weekend for my fall break, it was by far one of the most fun things Iapos;ve done in a while. It was my first music fest and I was able to see Toubab Krewe in their element and putting on a very good show and I also got to see the roots, there were tons others but those were my two highlights. Met a bunch of good people and had a great time. Monday, Kimi and Germs, who i travelled with, and i went to asheville for the day and hung out.
I bought a new ring.
Tonight is MSTRKRFT, which I am very excited about. Canapos;t wait.
Tomorrow is my second day at my new job, I am very happy about it.

Halloween I am going to Chapel Hill for Benapos;s first djing show, im really excited for him I hope it goes well. I love dressing up. Halloween is my element, mostly coz im a living zombieeeeeeereeeo;fojnsfjsdg,.

until next time PZ

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

dhcp node type

It has been a week of cooping up in the library�studying together with the soccer peeps, with our studying sessions peppered with serious questions on life and religion, and making people go mad about what question to ask to get to the market and�mindblowing statements (at least to kelly)�like� " this statement is not true ".

So, tmr marks the end of 4 years of lectures, tutorials, fantabulous grades,�getting�myopic over grades, over the top group works. The years were filled with many memories with the class, lessons about learning the courage to take and lose, learning that winning isnapos;t everything, learning that life doesnt always go the way you want it to be, learning that there in life we have to move on, to be blessed to find a soulmate, learning to let go for the better, years of trying to play the delicate game of socialising and still trying. Years of knowing many friends, and one or two more great friends, years filled with loyalty, opening up,

andalex language services, dhcp node type.

среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

central fissure brain

Ik weet het, het is nog lang geen Sinterklaas. Ik heb zelfs de "geen pepernoten tot Sinterklaas-stickers"� al klaarliggen om ergens op te plakken. (Maar waarop? De brievenbus is een beetje onzinnig, want ik heb nog nooit pepernoten in mijn brievenbus gekregen, op mijn fiets is een beetje jammer als de Sint straks het land alweer verlaten heeft en op mijn werkkleding zal het wel niet mogen...)

Maar toch ben ik al begonnen met mijn verlanglijstje. Het is altijd al zo'n georganiseer met mensen die niet in hetzelfde huis en zelfs niet in dezelfde stad wonen, het boodschappen doen als je eigenlijk niet zo heel mobiel bent (al verwacht ik dat het dit jaar beduidend beter gaat) en werktijden die niet op elkaar zijn afgestemd. Als je dan ook alleen maar die drie weken hebt dat Sinterklaas in het land is om je lijstje te maken, te verspreiden, andere lijstjes te verzamelen en inkopen te doen, dan wordt het wel heel erge stress.

Dus begin ik maar op tijd. Het is al lastig genoeg om een lijstje te maken als je alles al hebt.

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понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

alexi laiho of children of bodom

What was the last book you bought? Breaking Dawn. I hide my Twilight fandom, it is quite embarassing. DONapos;T�YOU�JUDGE�ME

Name a book you have read MORE than once. I have read the Rapture of Canaan a few times. I donapos;t really reread things too much...

Has a book ever fundamentally changed the way you see life? If yes, what was it? No.�Some books may make me Emo for awhile. But the movie Idiocracy changed my outlook on having kids :)

How do you choose a book? eg. By cover design and summary, recommendations or reviews. I usually go by recommendations, or just pick up the most recent publication by an author I like. I do this with David Sedaris, Jodie Picoult (DONapos;T�YOU�JUDGE�ME) and John Irving.

Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction? Neither. I am equally interested in both.

Whatrsquo;s more important in a novel - beautiful writing or a gripping plot? Beatiful writing. I can get past a boring book if it has good sentence structure, etc. Example: Anything written by DH Laurence.

Most loved/memorable character (character/book) Hmmm... Probably Tess from Tess of the Dapos;Urbervilles. Shit, that was a depressing book.� She named her baby Sorrow, that should give you some idea.

Which book or books can be found on your nightstand at the moment? Still reading Breaking Dawn. I will start in on a history book next, Sex with the King.

What was the last book yoursquo;ve read, and when was it? The last book i finished was Eclipse. SHUT�UP

Have you ever given up on a book half way in? I couldnapos;t take A Hundred Years of Solitude after the crazy aunt slept with one of the Aurelios. And I couldnapos;t keep anyoneapos;s names straight.

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