It looks like Matt isnapos;t going to get the morning shift after all. Which means we still need daycare for the boys. But we have decided to forgo the idea of another roommate or a live-in day care. Itapos;s going to take a lot of budget tightening, but work has picked up for Matt, and Iapos;m going to be working Fridays as of next week. My income alone from those extra hours will be around 200-250 a month. Not a lot, but it will help to offset some of our daycare expenses. Mattapos;s parents will be home by the end of the month, and weapos;re hoping that they will go back to doing some of our daycare for us. Before they left, they watched the kids two days a week free of charge. Iapos;m hoping we can go back to that. That will leave us with only having about $65 a week in daycare expense.
Weapos;re reaching the point of being almost caught up with our bills. As of right now, we only have two more late bills to pay for the month, and one bill that we should be able to pay on time. Once those bills are paid, weapos;ll be out of the late payment crisis, and should be able to save a few dollars in fees. I think that is the hardest part about falling behind. You donapos;t have the money to pay it on time, so you have to pay more. And the next month your bills are that much farther behind. Itapos;s a vicious cycle. Iapos;ve started a checklist for myself on the computer, where I put in bills as we get them, with their due date listed. Each week when I get Mattapos;s check, I pay whatever bills we can afford that week, in order of their due date. I think this will help me to get back on track. It will also help us to see where our money is going, and if there are any utilities we can cut back on.
My goal right now, is to make it through until February. Once our tax return comes through, weapos;ll be able to pay off some more of our other back debt, and possibly afford to move if we need to downsize. Iapos;d rather not move if we have to, but thatapos;s another option for lowering our bills. I need to just buckle down, be a grown up, and eliminate the useless junk we buy. Perhaps a sit down and teaching session with Nic is in order.
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